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my journal

everyone is walking their journey. everyone is writing their story. this is my story. a story of life. my life. of sorrow, joy, growth, and optimism.

happy reading my lovelies :)

Afternoon Light

10 ways to combat depression

Writer's picture: bluebonnet-bakesbluebonnet-bakes

*disclaimer. I am not an expert. these are just ways I have found to help me, and I thought, if I could, help someone out there, I’d share :)

**I use combat because I don’t claim to ‘cure’ anything.

depression and mental illness are a real and serious thing that is taking over our world. it’s discussed everywhere and on all internet platforms (including my blog :)) I’ve delta with my own experiences with depression and such, and am on a journey of healing and growth. these are just a few things I try to do - not only to avoid a depressive episode, but to come out of an episode and keep myself from falling in one. these are doable and take anywhere from a few seconds to maybe 15 minutes. little effort but effective!

tip #1 - eat a nourishing meal

prepare a meal full of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. use fresh wholesome ingredients. cooking and prepping the meal yourself… magical!

tip #2 - go outside

classic. there’s been so much emphasis and studies done on the importance of sunlight and fresh air. go outside. drink your morning coffee on your patio, take a nap in the sunlight… the options are countless. taking your tasks outdoors can be an excellent way of getting fresh air, vitamin d, and a clear pallet.

tip #3 - go for a 10 minute walk

this goes along with the last point. often when I’m down, I’ll convince myself I can walk for 10 minutes. it really isn’t that long… if that seems too hard, then walk for one minute outside. you’ll find your minute walk becomes 10 minutes just as my 10 minute walks usually become an hour walk.

tip #4 - read 1 page from a positive book/novel

get your mind off what’s going on. occupy your mind with something lighthearted and fun. find a good novel or even a 'self-help' motivational book. something that’s productive (not just watching a movie/tv show), but something that distracts your mind while enhancing it.

tip #5 - go out with friends

you at least have one person in your life that cares and loves you. text that person. call that person. say hey - let's grab ice cream. let’s get coffee. let’s go bowling. go for a walk together. to a park and chat. let’s grab dinner. whatever you want to do. you don’t have to tell them what’s going on, sometimes we just need to be with somebody else to get us out of our heads… and out of bed, ready for the day.

tip #6 - invest in a hobby

what do you enjoy doing? what brings you joy? what’s something that’s fun? is it drawing? sewing? baking? whatever it is… invest time in doing it. and don’t just do it occasionally… spend 30 minutes every day enjoying your hobby. challenge yourself to bake bread from scratch; sew a blanket; paint the sunset. find a hobby and do it everyday.

remember when we were kids and we’d color and paint for hours? we didn’t care about it looking good, or following ‘rules’… we just crated for hours and it was the most fun. do it now. just spend an hour doing crafts with no rules! like Phoebe from Friends running. be carefree!!

tip #7 - do something for others

bake a loaf of bread for a friend. buy a meal for a homeless person. pack lunch for your roommate/spouse. whatever it is… do something not for yourself, but for a friend, family member, or even a stranger. doing something for someone helps you get out of your head.

tip #8 - talk aloud

this can be to yourself, a therapist, a friend… whomever you’re comfortable talking to. sometimes we just have to get it out of ourselves and talking it into space is good. it’s a physical way of letting it go. it’s no longer trapped inside of us because it has now been spoken out of ourselves. you can also journal, but I found the shower a great listener.

tip #9 - free your space

put things back where they belong. wash, fold, and put away your laundry. sweep the floors. vacuum. wipe down your surfaces. organize your closet and pantry. get rid of anything that causes stress, that’s broken, doesn’t suit you. sometimes we feel overwhelmed by our belongings (been there before!) and we just need to grab a box, fill it with stuff and donate it. we never want to be brought down by our belongings. they’re there to enhance our lives, if they’re not binging good, GET RID OF IT!!

tip #10 - change your environment

along with cleaning, sorting, and getting rid of possessions. CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT. if you’ve been sitting in bed for hours, depressed, go to a different room. if you live in an apartment, go to a park the pool, or the lake. change your physical environment. move your desk to a different spot - ideally where natural light is readily available. changing where you physically are can be drastic and incredible.

James Clear in his book Atomic Habits remarks that you can’t succeed in a negative environment… meaning, you can’t create joy and happiness for yourself if you’re in an environment of sadness, negativity, and so forth. and so, change your environment. you can’t change what others think, say, or do, but you can change your response to them. avoid places and people that bring you down. surround yourself with positive people, happy places, and encouraging words. easier said then done - but so critical.

BONUS!! tip #11 - get ready for the day!

get up. shower. put on a cute outfit - not sweats, yoga pants, or oversized t-shirts. piece together something cute, fashionable. do your hair, make-up. it’s an incredible mood (+ confidence) booster. try it… wear the pretty dress, or fancy top. it’s a game changer.

and that’s all I’ve got! I know there are so many other things that can be done… but I wanted to keep it simple and to the point. I wanted it to be something that won’t require too much work or effort. when you’re down in the dumps, you need something easy, not tasking to get yourself moving again. I promise, my friends, it will get better. remember… everyday you do something - celebrate it. you did something and that is worth being celebrated. not everyone can understand how doing the simplest tasks can be so so hard. but I hear you. and I celebrate with you. if you ate breakfast today - congratulations. I’m proud of you.

to the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world. - dr. suess

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